About the MA-NACPM Chapter
The Massachusetts Chapter of the National Association for Certified Professional Midwives was founded in 2019 to advance and support the practice, availability, and access to the unique model of community midwifery offered by CPMs. As the only midwives who are required to have out-of-hospital experience during training, CPMs are experts in community birth & reproductive care. We are proud advocates for the evidence-based reality that well-integrated, high-quality midwifery care improves outcomes for birthing people, maternity and perinatal care systems, and reproductive autonomy for all people.
The MA-NACPM chapter serves as the local arm of NACPM national, committed to advancement of the CPM credential, building CPM workforce diversity, and advocating for integration of CPMs into every facet of reproductive and perinatal care consistent with our scope of practice. MA-NACPM has been a core member of the coalition helping draft, advance, and secure passage of the 2024 perinatal omnibus; and looks forward to continuing the partnerships to ensure implementation that aligns to the spirit as, well as, the new laws. NACPM offer resources for:
Board Officers President Rebecca Herman Vice President Nicole Cisneros Pegher Treasurer Ann Kilroy Whitman Clerk Jessica Bready Director Zev Colsen Committees
*For information about Open Board positions or joining a committee, please contact MA-NACPM. Vacant Board positions will be decided at the Annual Meeting, December 6, 2024. For more information: [email protected] |